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Terms & Conditions Conditions




This Privacy Notice is operated by Ecolines-Home Kft.,  It contains the terms and conditions related to the data management of the websites,, and Ecolines-Home Kft. is the owner and operator of the websites, and therefore the data controller. Ecolines-Home Kft.'s primary goal is to protect the personal data of its customers and website visitors, and it considers it of utmost importance to respect its customers' right to self-determination of information. Ecolines-Home Kft. treats personal data confidentially and takes all security, technical and corporate management measures that guarantee data security. Ecolines-Home Kft. describes its data management principles below, presents the expectations that it has with itself as a data controller and with its partners as data controllers or. formulated and enforced against data processors. Our data management principles are in line with the applicable domestic and EU legislation on data protection, and in particular with the following: - CXII of 2011. Act - on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information (Info tv.); - General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (Regulation No. 679/2016, hereinafter: GDPR); - Act V of 2013 - on the Civil Code (Ptk.); - CLV of 1997. law - on consumer protection (Fgytv.); - Act C of 2000 - on accounting (Accounting Act); - Act C of 2003 - on electronic communications (Eht.); - CXXXIII of 2005 law - on the rules for the protection of persons and property, as well as private investigative activities (SzVMt.); - XLVIII of 2008 Act - on the basic conditions and certain limitations of economic advertising activity (Grt.), - CLIX of 2012. Act - on postal services (Postatv.). Terms used: - concerned: any natural person identified or - directly or indirectly - identified on the basis of personal data; - personal data: data that can be associated with the data subject - in particular the data subject's name, identification mark, and one or more pieces of information characteristic of his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity - as well as the conclusion about the data subject that can be drawn from the data; - consent: the voluntary and decisive declaration of the data subject's will, which is based on adequate information, and with which he gives his unequivocal consent to the processing of his personal data in full or covering certain operations; - protest: the statement of the data subject objecting to the processing of his personal data and requesting the termination of data processing or the deletion of the processed data; - data controller: the natural or legal person or organization without legal personality who, independently or together with others, determines the purpose of data management, makes and implements decisions regarding data management (including the device used), or has them implemented by the data processor; - data management: regardless of the procedure used, any operation performed on the data or the set of operations, including in particular the collection, recording, recording, organization, storage, modification, use, query, transmission, disclosure, coordination or connection, locking, deletion and destruction, as well as preventing further use of the data, taking photographs, audio or video recordings, and recording physical characteristics suitable for identifying the person (e.g. fingerprints or palm prints, DNA samples, iris images); - data transmission: making the data available to a specific third party; - data processing: performing technical tasks related to data management operations, regardless of the method and tool used to perform the operations, as well as the place of application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data; - data processor: a natural or legal person, or an organization without legal personality, who, or on the basis of which a contract, including a contract concluded under the provisions of the law, processes data. 1. DATA OF THE DATA CONTROLLER AND DATA PROCESSORS: 1.1 The data controller's data and contact information: Company name: Ecolines-Home Kft. Headquarters: 2724 Újlengyel, Határ út 12. Branch location: 2120. Dunakeszi pallag utca 17. Website: Email: Tax number: 24991456-2-13 Company registration number: 13-09-171229 Phone number: +36 30 5480330 Websites: www.ecolines-home .hu,,,, Data protection requests: if you have any requests or questions regarding data management, send your request by post or electronically you can send it to the following addresses: 2120. Dunakeszi Pallag utca 17.. We will send our answers to the address you requested without delay, but within 30 days at most. 1.2. Personal data may be forwarded to the following organizations for the purpose of data processing: Name of data processor Tegee Hungaria Kft. (transport company) Headquarters: 1044 Bp Ipari Park u 10 E-mail address: Website: Name of data processor: Precizitás- Duó Kft. Headquarters: 1173 Budapest, Pesti út 77. III/15. E-mail address: Website: Name of data processor: Feba Kft Headquarters: 1141 bp szugló u 125-d E-mail address: Website: www 2. PRESENTATION OF DATA MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 2.1. The scope of personal data managed by Ecolines-Home Kft., the purpose, legal title and duration of data management Personal data can only be processed for a specific purpose, in order to exercise a right and fulfill an obligation. Only personal data that is absolutely necessary for the realization of the purpose of data management and suitable for achieving the purpose can be processed. Personal data can only be processed to the extent and for the time necessary to achieve the goal. We collect, process and use your personal data within the framework of legal regulations, especially when you visit our website or when you order products through our website. We process your personal data only in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and this document, with your express consent. The personal data provided by you is not checked by Ecolines-Home Kft. You are solely responsible for the adequacy of the data provided. When entering your e-mail address, you also assume responsibility for the fact that only you use the service from the e-mail address provided. The data management of Ecolines-Home Kft.'s activities is primarily based on voluntary consent. However, in the cases specified in the relevant legislation, the law imposes an obligation to manage, store and transmit a range of the data provided. In such a case, we will inform the data subject directly. The consent or subsequent approval of the minor's legal representative is not required for the validity of the legal declaration containing the consent of the minor who has reached the age of 16. 2.2 Individual data management of Ecolines-Home Kft. 2.2.1 Management of customer and customer data During the order process, we collect, process and use the personal data provided by the customer within the framework of the applicable data protection provisions in force. The information requested from the customer, which is necessary to fulfill the service requested by the customer, is listed as a mandatory field on the order form. The purpose of data management: the order, its service, purchase and payment documentation, fulfillment of accounting obligations. Legal basis for data management: the consent of the data subject and legal authorization (Számvtv. § 169. (2)). The range of processed data is available on the website by filling in the customer: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address. Upon confirmation of the order and your acceptance, the invoice will be issued, which, in addition to the above data, contains the order number and, in the case of a VAT invoice, your tax number. If you visit Ecolines-Home Kft in person, you have the opportunity to buy locally. In this case, we will record your order in the office of Ecolines-Home Kft., with the above content. We will also issue the invoice according to the above. Duration of data management of the customer and invoice: 8 years from the date of issue of the invoice. Data processing: In order to fulfill the order - if you have also requested home delivery - we will transfer your delivery data to the supplier. The purpose of the data transmission to the data processor: delivery of the purchased product, appointment. Time of data processing: until the date of delivery. 2.2.2. Customer correspondence Our company ensures that our customers and interested parties can contact us by letter. The purpose of data management is to maintain contact with customers, answer customer questions, and serve orders placed by mail. The legal basis for data management: the consent of the volunteer concerned Scope of processed data: We hereby inform you that if you contact our Foundation at the contact details provided, the data manager will record all incoming e-mails with the sender's name, e-mail address, date, time and it is deleted together with other personal data recorded in the message after 1 year from the date of data communication. 2.2.3. Management of quality objections The purpose of data management is: management of quality objections arising in connection with products purchased at Ecolines-Home Kft. The legal basis for data management: the consent of the concerned volunteer, the Szá mv. TV. Paragraph (2) of § 169 and Fgytv. 17/A. (7) of § Scope of processed data: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, signature of the customer, description of the complaint, details of the goods affected by the complaint, carrier number, identification numbers on the invoice, purchase date and time, how the complaint was resolved, photo, in case of warranty repair, details of the product affected by the repair and the repair work, date, and the customer's signature, the method of settling the complaint, the justification, if this differs from the consumer's needs. The duration of the data management: - with regard to return certificates, Account no. TV. In accordance with § 169, paragraph (2), 8 years, - with regard to copies of minutes taken from complaints and responses to written complaints, Fgytv. 17/A. § 5 years on the basis of paragraph (7), - the record of the consumer's claim for warranty or good storage shall be kept for 3 years from its recording (19/2014 (IV.29.) NGM Reg. § 4 (6) ). 2.2.4. Data management for other purposes In accordance with the provisions of this information, we store and use your data when you contact us by e-mail, or when you send us information in some other form and because of this your data is sent to us. When your personal data is forwarded to the data processor, Ecolines-Home Kft. is responsible for complying with the legal regulations related to data management. Therefore, your data will only be forwarded to service providers and partner companies with whom we have concluded a contract for the purpose of data processing, and who undertake to protect the personal data received in this contract. In connection with the fulfillment of your order, we forward your personal data (delivery data) to the logistics companies contracted to deliver the products. Data processing not listed in this information sheet will be informed to the data subject when the data is collected. We hereby inform our customers that the court, prosecutor's office, the investigative authority, the infringement authority, public administration authority, the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (NAIH) and other bodies authorized by law may contact the data controller in order to provide information, delete data, and hand over documents . If the authority has indicated the exact purpose and scope of the data, Ecolines-Home Kft. will only release personal data to the extent that is absolutely necessary for the purpose of the official inquiry. 2.3. Application of cookies Ecolines-Home Kft. uses, in order to provide customized service, on the websites,, and a small data package on the user's computer, so-called it places a cookie and reads it back during the next visit. If the browser returns a previously saved cookie, the cookie management service provider has the opportunity to connect the user's current visit with previous ones, but only with regard to its own content. The cookie contains a clear letter/number combination that identifies the browser you are using. These cookies are only temporarily stored on your computer and are only transferred to the IT devices of Ecolines-Home Kft. when you visit our pages. The purpose of this type of data management is to identify and distinguish users from each other, to identify the users' current session, to store the data entered during it, to prevent data loss, and web analytics measurements. You can check the cookies stored on your computer, delete them and determine how they are used using your browser settings. Cookies are used with the consent of the data subject. Scope of processed data: ID number, date, time, previously visited page. Duration of data management: 30 minutes. If you can disable the use of cookies in your browser, this may mean that some functions of the websites indicated here are limited or not available to you at all. 2.4. Google Analytics We use the Google Analytics program on our websites. Google Analytics is Google's analysis tool, which helps us to get a more accurate picture of the activities of our visitors and to shape our tomorrow's content accordingly. The service uses cookies to collect information and report statistical data on the use of the website without individually identifying visitors to Google. You have the option to turn off the Google Analytics service when you visit a website after enabling its use. You can find more information about this at the following link: 3. DATA SECURITY Ecolines-Home Kft. selects and operates the IT tools used for the management of personal data during the provision of the service in such a way that the managed data: a) is accessible only to those authorized to do so (availability); b) its authenticity is ensured (authenticity of data management); c) its immutability can be verified (data integrity); d) be protected against unauthorized access (data confidentiality). Ecolines-Home Kft. ensures the protection of the security of data management with technical, organizational and organizational measures that provide a level of protection corresponding to the risks associated with data management. During data management, Ecolines-Home Kft. preserves a) confidentiality: it protects the information so that only those who are authorized to do so can access it; b) integrity: protects the accuracy and completeness of the information and the method of processing; and ensures c) availability: it ensures that when the authorized user needs it, he can really access the desired information and that the related tools are available. The IT system and network of Ecolines-Home Kft. are both protected against computer-supported fraud, espionage, sabotage, vandalism, fire and flood, as well as against computer viruses and computer break-ins. The operator ensures security with server-level and application-level protection procedures. 4. RIGHTS OF THE DATA PARTICIPANTS The data subject has the rights defined by law in relation to his personal data. The data subject may request information about the management of his personal data and may request the correction or deletion of his personal data, with the exception of mandatory data processing, and may exercise his right to data portability and protest as indicated in the data collection, or at the contact details of the data controller. 4.1. Right to information: The data subject may request information about the processing of his personal data, he is not obliged to justify his request. Ecolines-Home Kft. strives to provide all information specified in Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR and Articles 15-32. and all information according to Article 34 is provided to the data subject in a concise, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible form, clearly and comprehensibly worded. 4.2. The data subject's right to access: The data subject has the right to receive access to personal data and the following information: - copy of personal data - purpose of data management - categories of data - data related to automated decision-making and profiling - information about the source when receiving data - range of recipients , to whom the data has been disclosed or will be disclosed - information related to data transfer to a third country, guarantees - duration and aspects of storage. Ecolines-Home Kft. provides a copy of the personal data that is the subject of data management to the data subject. For additional copies requested by the data subject, the data controller is entitled to reimbursement of reasonable administrative costs. If the data subject makes a specific request to this effect, the data controller will make the data available to the data subject electronically. The data controller shall provide the information within a maximum of one month from the receipt of the request. 4.3. Right to rectification: The data subject may request the correction, correction or addition of his personal data managed by Ecolines-Home Kft. 4.4. Right to erasure and oblivion: In the event of one of the following cases, the data subject has the right to have his personal data deleted by Ecolines-Home Kft. without undue delay: - the personal data are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were processed, - the data subject withdraws his consent, which is the legal basis for the data processing, and there is no other legal title for the data processing, - the data subject objects to the processing of his data and there is no other overriding legal reason for the data processing, - the personal data were processed unlawfully, - the personal data are subject to the EU regulations applicable to the data controller or to fulfill a legal obligation prescribed by national law, it must be deleted. The deletion of data cannot be requested if data management is necessary to fulfill an obligation under EU or member state law applicable to the data controller, or to present, assert, and defend legal claims. 4.5. Right to restrict data processing: At the request of the data subject, Ecolines-Home Kft. restricts data processing if one of the following conditions is met: - the data subject disputes the accuracy of the personal data, in which case the restriction applies to the period until which the personal data is checked , - in the event of unlawful data processing, the data subject opposes the deletion of the data and instead requests the restriction of their use, - the data controller no longer needs the personal data for the purpose of data processing, but the data subject requires them to present, assert or defend legal claims, or - the data subject objected to the against data processing, in which case the restriction applies to the period until it is established whether the legitimate reasons of the data controller take precedence over the legitimate reasons of the data subject. If data management is subject to restrictions, personal data may only be processed with the consent of the data subject, with the exception of storage, or to submit, enforce or defend legal claims, or to protect the rights of other natural or legal persons, in the important public interest of the Union or the member state. The Company informs the data subject in advance of the lifting of the limitation of data management. 4.6. The right to data portability: The data subject has the right to receive the personal data he has provided to the data controller: - in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format, - he has the right to transfer it to another data controller, - he can request the direct transfer of the data to the other data controller - if this is technically feasible. 4.7. Right to protest: - exclusively during data processing in the public interest or in the context of the exercise of public authority delegated to the data controller. 4.8. Automated decision-making in individual cases, profiling: The data subject has the right not to be covered by the scope of a decision based solely on automated data management - including profiling - that would have legal effects on him or similarly significantly affect him. The above right cannot be applied if the data processing - necessary for the conclusion or fulfillment of the contract between the data subject and the data controller - is made possible by EU or member state law applicable to the data controller, which takes appropriate measures to protect the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subject also establishes, or - it is based on the express consent of the data subject. 4.9. Right of withdrawal: The data subject has the right to withdraw his consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of data processing based on consent prior to withdrawal. Withdrawal is possible only in the case of data processing based on voluntary consent. 5. RULES OF PROCEDURE The data controller informs the data subject without undue delay, but in any case within one month of receipt of the request, in accordance with Articles 15-22 of the GDPR. on measures taken on the basis of a request pursuant to Art. If necessary, taking into account the complexity of the application and the number of applications, this deadline can be extended by another two months. The data controller shall inform the data subject of the extension of the deadline, indicating the reasons for the delay, within one month of receiving the request. If the data subject submitted the request electronically, the information will be provided electronically, unless the data subject requests it in a different form. If the data controller does not take measures following the data subject's request, it shall inform the data subject without delay, but at the latest within one month of the receipt of the request, of the fact and reasons for the failure to take action, as well as the fact that the data subject may file a complaint with a supervisory authority and exercise his right to judicial review . Ecolines-Home Kft. provides the requested information and information free of charge. If the data subject's request is clearly unfounded or - especially due to its repetitive nature - excessive, the data controller may, taking into account the administrative costs associated with providing the requested information or information or taking the requested measure, charge a reasonable fee or refuse to take action on the basis of the request. The data manager informs all recipients of all corrections, deletions or data management - restrictions carried out by him, to whom or to whom the personal data was communicated, unless this proves to be impossible or requires a disproportionately large effort. At the request of the data subject, the data controller informs about the recipients. The data controller provides a copy of the personal data that is the subject of data management to the data subject. For additional copies requested by the data subject, the data controller may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. If the data subject submitted the request electronically, the information will be made available in electronic form, unless the data subject requests otherwise. 9. COMPENSATION AND DAMAGES Anyone who suffers financial or non-financial damage as a result of understanding the data protection legislation is entitled to compensation, which the data manager or data processor is obliged to pay. The data processor is only responsible if it has not complied with the obligations specified in the law, which are specifically imposed on the data processors, or if it has not complied with the lawful instructions of the data controller. Several data controllers, or several data processors, or both the data controller and the data processor are involved in the same data management and are responsible for the damage caused during the data management, in which case they are jointly and severally liable for the total damage. 10. LEGAL REMEDY INFORMATION In the event of a violation of their rights, the data subject may apply to court against the data controller. The court acts out of sequence in the case. The lawsuit can also be initiated - at the choice of the data subject - before the court of the data subject's place of residence or residence. In the case, the court acts out of turn. Regarding data management, you can contact the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority with the possibility of legal redress and a complaint. (Headquarters: 1125 Budapest Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c, Postal address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5., Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400; e-mail:, Website: http://, 25.05.2018.

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